Monday, December 15, 2008

The Road The End

Lately, I have enjoyed the book and it has the appropriate amount of twists and turns which are good for captivating a reader like me who usually isnt interested in reading anything at all. But the ending in my opinion was kind of cheesy. Even though the part where he got shot with an arrow and all the other parts where he is encountered by strangers where he is forced to show his gun are cool and all. I just think the ending of the story where the father dies and minutes later help arrives to save the what would have been helpless boy. It seems a bit too cliché. Also I don't think the boy was as ready as the father said he was. That boy would have been doomed al by himself. Like he gets scared of everything and he would never take any risks to find food. By the way they were almost out of food and he would ahve starved to death in a couple of days anyway. It's just too convineant that the only good person they have encountered so far was when they needed them the most. And now the boy is saved and everything just ends happily after a very depressing book. Thats how I liked the book and now I hope my outside reading book will be just as captivating.


Tmuehls said...

I have also enjoyed the twists and turns in the book, and the suspense, but we are are supposed to be blogging about our OR book

hockeydude4 said...

Blake, I agree with you. the book was quite suspenseful and good. The ending was kind of a letdown though. The man should have died


etweicht said...

Blake I also enjoyed the Road but I found it kind of depressing.

Eric Ps: never use the word cliché again... its a chick/french word.