Thursday, February 17, 2011

Oscar Nominated Rankings

1. Toy Story
-Brought back memories

2. Inception
-New age
-Great Special effects

3. The Social Network
-Great acting and plot
-Appealed to my generation

4. True Grit
-Maddie was played perfectly
-Decent action scenes
-Plot could have used a little more

5. The King's Speech
-Great premise
-Good acting on all parts

6. Winter's Bone
-A long-shot film

Reviews of my six movies:

6. Winter's Bone:
I thought that this movie, out of all the six, was by far the weakest. I was surprised it got the nomination to be completely honest. I was mainly upset with how stereotypical the movie came off as. Everything in the movie from the drab scenery to the pick up trucks, to the drug abuse. The whole movie became predictable because, in a way, of seen this whole plot before. The runaway family member who is running from the law, the desperate family member trying to find him to save the family and them self, and lastly, all the futile obstacles they have to overcome along the way. The only difference between this movie and all the others i just described is that this movie has no happy ending to be content about or remember when this ordeal was all over. The one positive was that the effects really captured the sub par plot perfectly with the lighting and music and all that. It deserved a lower score.

5. The King's Speech:
Personally, the only reason this movie got a five and not a higher rank is because the other movies were so good, that this film, even though amazing it itself, couldn't make the cut. I'll explain why. The plot of this film was great. Never would I have thought this movie would be good but i was really drawn in. I felt a levelness with someone of high ranking. Though just a movie, I felt that I was having the same problem as the King, and was longing to fix it myself. The camera angles were very helpful in how believable the movie was because it showed everyone from a level field of view. No one man was given more light or attention because of what he or she was in the movie. I loved that. Overall, this movie was great and I hope that the techniques to improve the King's speech problem will also help me with mine.

4. True Grit:
At first, I was gonna have this movie be lower on the ranking because the plot didn't really draw me in. But then I gave the actress who played Mattie, the rank she helped this movie earn. Her acting was sublime. There was nothing she could have done to improve it. Conversely, the movie could have aided her with some affects of their own. The lighting was decent but didn't show as much emotion. The plot, however creative, could have used some more jolts and bumps in the road to keep the viewers hooked on what would happen next. And, the editing was a little too direct. I'm not sure if it was the point of the cinematographer to have it that way, but it would have had a been more effective of a story line if the movie flowed as one unit. I really didn't have much to say about this film. One suggestion, it could have used more fight scenes to make it more of the John Wayne type of film.

3. The Social Network:
This movie was basically in a three way tie for first. It was excellent. Everything in the movie was done perfectly, from the acting of Mark Zuckerburg to the comedic deliverance of the well written plot, to the music. The music was what made it really great for me. It was subtle at times when the mood was tense or slow. But, it was loud and evident when it was exciting or suspenseful. The music really added to the movie. The acting was also quite excellent, to the witty and quick responses of Mark to the fast talking Justin Timberlake, the movie was a powerhouse. The way the movie drew me in was amazing. I felt like I was on campus at times. The only reason this movie wasn't the best, was the editing and transitions. The constant flashbacks needed utmost precision in editing or they would not be as effective as they could be. It did a great job but lacked on a few scenes where I began to forget what was going on or got lost. But overall, a must see movie.

2. Inception:
This movie showed me sides of film and ideas that I didn't think possible. The effects in this movie are what really stood out for me. If it wasn't the buildings around me caving in or the slow mo scenes, or the zero gravity. This movie had it all. A great plot, great scenes, a good idea that I wouldn't have thought of in my wildest dreams. The flashbacks and the explanations of what was going on really helped me stay on track. Without that, you can get lost pretty easily. The on downfall that can easily be overlooked is that the plot can be really difficult to follow and understand. The movie needs to be seen at least twice and cannot be given a nonchalant attitude when watching it. The movie needs your full attention or a key scene could go right over your head. All of that is simple enough and the breath taking special affects easily overshadow the minor imperfections. The reason it's not first though... The ending. The never ending controversy of the ending has gotten everyone's attention, which isn't a bad thing, but I found it frustrating not knowing exactly what happened. You can decide for yourself because it's a treat to watch.

1. Toy Story 3:
Best movie of the year! It surpasses all others. The way it captivates an audience is like non other. It has everything. From the love story, to the escape scenes, to the comedy, to the sadness. Every mood you have will be tested. You will laugh and cry and scream and cringe and hold on to your seat the entire movie. It will captivate you no mater what is going on. The long wait was worth it. It appeals to all ages. For some it will bring back memories of your childhood. For others it will remind them that their children are all grown up. And, for the avid movie watchers, it will remind you of how far we have come since the very first toy story when it came out many years ago. The special effects in this movie are not spectacular, but all elements that they have are essential to this movie. They are shown in a way that makes you feel like your toys may be doing the same when you go off to college. My mom cried when she saw it and I couldn't stop talking about. There is nothing bad about this movie and the fact that it appeals to all ages is what truly makes it remarkable. Best movie I've seen in a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice job. Thoughtful and thorough discussions.