Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well, over my Thanksgiving break I had some good times. While I was still in town, I hung out with several of my friends that night and we all had fun before we went our seperate ways for thanksgiving. Some went out of state, some went to their relatives, some stayed home, but me however went to my cabin with all family members from both sides of the family. There were ten of us but one is still at college and she couldn't make it. But, even without her we had lots of fun and a great thanksgiving. On thansgiving day we usually have just a light breakfast and wait until five o'clock when we have the biggest feast of all sorts of food ever. After all that we wound down by watching movies and playing games. The next day we returned home. I had to return early because I had a hockey tournament. The first games we played was one of the worst teams I had ever played in my entire life. We won 17 to 1. The next game was slightly more challenging but we still pulled off a 4 to 3 victory over wayzata. And lastly the championship, we were down 1 to nothing early in the first and it was hard to come back, but late in the second we scored to tie it up. Early in the third we got a fluke goal of a players skate and now the tides had turned. Shortly after the scored again they tied it up and there was only 4 minutes left. My teammate gave me the puck on a two on one and I scored. They pulled there goalie and we got another goal. We won the championship 4 to 2 against a very good team. And that was my thanksgiving break.

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