Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Soccer Season

As my fall soccer season comes to a close and my time with my teammates and others is drawing to an end, I can't help but reflect back on some of the great times I've had this year that I found are worthy to talk about. The players for example, I have made many new friends and gotten to know my old ones better. It helped me get to know others that weren't in my grade. I also was able to hone my skills more and pick up some new skills that I will apply to my future in soccer and when I tryout for the school again next year. Also, I am reminded of the good memories I have had with my teammates such as events on the bus to and from games, during games, the after parties, and the most fun of all, the practices. At the practices the players who showed up constantly goofed off and laughed with each other which made my experience that much more fun to see because of all the jokes we shared on and off the field. And last, but not certainly not least was my coach. He has told me things I will never forget and skills I will always use and practice to become the best I can be. And I will remember every word he said that made me laugh and repeat what he has said to others so that they can laugh at his comments as much as I have. I just hope that my season next year will be just as fun.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Over the weekend I went to go see the movie traitor starring Don Cheadle. I thought that the overall price to get in on a Saturday night was a ridiculous 10 dollars, but I got over it. The movie was overall good and I thought that the movie had a pretty good plot and storyline that was fairly easy to follow. I personally thought that it could have had more gunfights, and explosions then they had in the movie. To summarize most of the main points, Samir also known as Don Cheadle is arrested for terrorism in Yemen then secretly makes a deal with the US to help them catch terrorists. He earns the terrorists group trust by blowing up an embassy. He then is filled in on their plan to blow up something so big that I cannot tell you or else I would give away the movie. This plan is so big that Samir is scared that they might be successful in their plan. Will they succeed? If I say anymore I would give away the movie so I will stop and let you find out for yourself. This movie if I was a movie editor, I would rate it a three out of 4 stars.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Earlier this week I watched Liverpool, a soccer club in England, play a inferior team in their division, Marseille. Marseille put a good fight most of the game and scored first. But Steven Gerrard and Liverpool ended up winning two to zero with Gerrards equalizer in the 25th minute and his penalty kick 6 minutes later to seal the win. Even though it was close on the scoreboard, I think that Liverpool was probably placed to win the game before it even started because of their players, their reputation, and their ranking so far this season. I personnally love watching games like these because it helps me improve my own game as well as entertain and keep me up to date on what's going on in Europe soccer wise. I like it also because I get to see my favorite players in action such as Steven Gerrard as well as Fernando Torres. Also players on other teams such as Ronaldinho, Christiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Thierry Henry, Lionel Messi, Hernan Crespo, and Maxi Rodriguez. These players provide inspiration for me when I am trying out as well as during games which in turn helps me succeed. Overall there is so much soccer has to offer for players as well as spectators.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Journey I Intend to Take

I intend to go see all continents of the earth.
I have wanted to do so ever since I began traveling when I was little. When I frist went to DisneyWorld, to when I went to the rockies, to just recently when I went to tour Europe for 2 weeks just over two years ago. It is occasions like these that make me want to keep exploring new and exotic places all over. There is so much to see and so much to do that I have never yet experienced.
To close, I plan on continuing to travel my whole life and continuing to go to new places.

Blog Expectations

My name is Blake Halva. This is my super fun blog, which I will personalize and make my own (but not post pics of myself on or use my last name on). I will always use appropriate language on my school blog and follow the conventions of the English language.

The expectation for this assignment is that I post on my blog once a wwek for the remainder of the school year. I am expected to comment on texts that I am viewing in the world arond me. These might include, but are not limited to: books, magazines, movies, internet articles, television shows, trips to museums, etc...

Each post should be at least 200 words. Each weekly post is due by 8am on that Wednesday. Therefore, Q1 due dates are: 9/17, 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, and 10/29. That makes for a total of 7 posts this first quarter. I understand that blogs are worth 100 points per quarter and are graded holistically (I will recieve the rubric from Mrs. B. soon). I also understand that blogging is a significant component of my quarter grade. By the way, what I have just typed is only 196 words! Now it is 200!