Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Soccer Season

As my fall soccer season comes to a close and my time with my teammates and others is drawing to an end, I can't help but reflect back on some of the great times I've had this year that I found are worthy to talk about. The players for example, I have made many new friends and gotten to know my old ones better. It helped me get to know others that weren't in my grade. I also was able to hone my skills more and pick up some new skills that I will apply to my future in soccer and when I tryout for the school again next year. Also, I am reminded of the good memories I have had with my teammates such as events on the bus to and from games, during games, the after parties, and the most fun of all, the practices. At the practices the players who showed up constantly goofed off and laughed with each other which made my experience that much more fun to see because of all the jokes we shared on and off the field. And last, but not certainly not least was my coach. He has told me things I will never forget and skills I will always use and practice to become the best I can be. And I will remember every word he said that made me laugh and repeat what he has said to others so that they can laugh at his comments as much as I have. I just hope that my season next year will be just as fun.

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